Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis2 "TENSES CHART"

Nama : Vita Widiya
Kelas : 4EA03
NPM : 11208266

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. While she was trying to read, her friend was practicing the piano.
2. He has been buying several jerseys in the last two years.
3. She will bone the meat later.
4. By the time you get there they already left.
5. I was drowwing. Nobody saved me.
6. He said she that she had not returned the book yet.
7. What are you darning at the moment.
8. She thinks her husband will buy a new fridge.
9. How much have you spent in Londonso far ?
10. In a month’s time I learned more words than ever.
11. After he saw the giraffe he spoke to the keeper.
12. The was buying weed-killer when they arrested him
13. The plumbing always gives trouble during the summer.
14. The trend was rising when they reached the lake.
15. Do you recognize this statue ?
16. They say that they will not perform tomorrow.
17. What have you been doing since your last recital ?
18. As it rained he put up his umbrella.
19. They heard Beethoven better conducted earlier in the year.
20. What is going on here ?
21. I only have just realized what she meant.
22. I will never plant crocuses again.
23. Were you enjoying yourself when I saw you at the party ?
24. I will be to the zoo and going while they are still talking about visiting it.
25. She doched at Tilbury last week.
26. He always accelerates too quickly.
27. Do you hear that awful noise ?
28. By the time the bridgade arrived, the house collapsed.
29. I saw a new type of windscreen wiper while I was walking round the exhibition yesterday.
30. They have been waiting to take off since ten this morning.
31. She shot at least three tigers in India last year.
32. We saw what we have seen.
33. He heard an owl hooting as he walked through the wood.
34. They have been producing a hundred shirts every day for two months now.
35. Where were you going when I bumped into you ?
36. Who told the grasshopper to dance? The ant in the fable did .
37. They were high heels every day last term.
38. What do you with a gun in your car ?
39. He still doesn’t find his watch.
40. I have lived there several years before I found the nest.
41. When it sting him ?
42. She likes cockles. Naturally she prefer lobster.
43. Dragon flies have beautiful wings.
44. Time and tide wait for no man, the saying run.
45. I bought some new pruners the other day.
46. The girl in the pay box seldom smiles nowadays.
47. The moment he opened the boot the spare wheel fell out.
48. Too many cooks spoiled the broth.
49. He left Italy by plane yesterday.

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Kata Benda dan Kata Kerja Manajemen, Marketing, Accounting, dan Banking

1 Administrative: administratif
2 Aim: tujuan
3 coordination: koordinasi
4 company: perusahaan
5 direction: arahan
6 experience: pengalaman
7 effectiveness: keefektipan
8 enterprise: perusahaan
9 function: fungsi
10 leadership: kepemimpinan
11 leader: pemimpin
12 manager: manajer
13 optimum: jumlah maksimum
14 policy: kebijakan
15 process: proses
16 phase: tahap/fase
17 performance: kinerja
18 regulation: peraturan
19 result: hasil
20 strategies: strategi

1 allocate: mengalokasi 
2 appraising: menilai     
3 actuating:  melaksanakan
4 attain: mencapai
5 controlling: mengendalikan
6 coaching: melatih
7 developing: mengembangkan
8 directing: mengarahkan 
9 evaluating: mengevaluasi
10 implement: melaksanakan 
11 manage: mengatur
12 motivate: memotivasi 
13 monitoring: mengawasi
14 orienting:  mengorientasikan 
15 organizing: mengorganisir        
16 planning:  merencanakan
17 revise: merevisi        
18 resolving: memecahkan        
19 restraining: mengendalikan
20 training:  berlatih/latihan

1 buyers: pembeli
2 customers: langganan      
3 competitor: pesaing
4 demand: permintaan 
5 goods: barang
6 innovation: pembaharuan  
7 offer: penawaran        
8 order: pesanan        
9 objective: sasaran        
10 product: produk  
11 price: harga        
12 promotion: promosi        
13 placement: penempatan                
14 retailer: pengecer        
15 relationships: hubungan
16 salesman: penjual barang        
17 salesmanship: keahlian menjual        
18 supplier: pemasok
19 trade: perdagangan
20 transactions: transaksi

1 achieve: mencapai
2 analysed: meneliti
3 advertising: periklanan
4 communicating: berkomunikasi
5 consuming: mengkonsumsi
6 ordering: pemesanan
7 distributing:  mendistribusikan
8 delivers: mengantarkan
9 improving: mengembangkan
10 increasing: meningkatkan
11 identifying: memperkenalkan
12 promote: mempromosikan
13 providing: menyediakan
14 pricing: menetapkan harga
15 purchasing: membeli
16 selling: menjual
17 supplied:  menyediakan
18 satisfy: memenuhi
19 serviced: melayani
20 satisfying: memuaskan

1. asset: aset/modal
2 agencies: para agen
3 auditor: akuntan
4 bookkeeping: pembukuan
5 current: arus
6 cash: kas
7 corporation: perseroan terbatas
8 debt: hutang
9 earning: pendapatan
10 ekspenditure: pengeluaran
11 fee: biaya (ongkos)
12 gain: keuntungan
13 inventory: persediaan
14 liability: kewajiban
15 pay: upah
16 report: laporan
17 revenue: pendapatan
18 receivable: piutang
19 stockholder: pemegang saham.
20 salary: gaji
21 tax: pajak

1    auditing: memeriksa keuangan
2    collecting: mengumpulkan
3    recording: mencatat
4    classifying: menggolongkan
5    summarizing: meringkaskan
6    interpret: menafsirkan
7    earn: memperoleh
8    processing: memproses
9    representing: merepresentasikan (mewakilkan/menyatakan)
10    determine: menentukan
11    packaging :membungkus
12    fulfill: memenuhi
13    remodeling: memperbaharui
14    compare: membanfingkan
15    count: menghitung
16    billing: menagih
17     reporting: melaporkan
18    streamlining: membuat lebih efisien
19    examine: memeriksa
20    measure: mengukur
21    prepare: menyiapkan

1   loan: pinjaman
2   capital: modal
3   savings: tabungan
4   credit: kredit
5   funds: dana
6   customer: nasabah
7   deposit: deposito
8   guarantee: jaminan
9   draft: wesel
10  cheque: cek
11  transaction: transaksi
12  bond : Obligasi
13  deadline: batas waktu
14  valuation: penaksiran/penilaian
15  surplus: kelebihan
16  ATM (automatic teller machine) : Anjungan Tunai Mandiri
17  clearing: kliring
18  payment: setoran/pembayaran
19  financial: keuangan
20  payback: pengembalian uang pinjaman
21  deficit: kekurangan

1    lending: meminjamkan
2    save: menabung
3    repay: membayar kembali
4    issue: menerbitkan
5    channeling: menyalurkan
6    invest: menginvestasikan
7    hedging: melakukan transaksi pelindungan nilai
8    require: membutuhkan
9    borrow: meminjam
10    meet: memenuhi
11    exemplify: menunjukkan
12    designate: menunjukkan
13    defray: membiayai
14    tender: menawarkan
15    converting: mengkonversikan
16    electing: memilih
17    stabilize: menstabilkan
18    sustain: memelihara
19    arrange: mengatur
20    guaranteeing: menjamin
21    entrust: mempercayakan

Nama : Vita Widiya
Kelas : 4EA03
NPM : 11208266